We conduct observations in order to obtain accurate, detailed, verifiable information about the child being assessed and his/her surrounding contexts. Our assessments are based on ABLLS, VB-MAPP ,AFLS and TRIAD.
Assessment of basic language and learning skills (ABLLS) is an educational tool used frequently together with applied behavior analysis (ABA) for measuring Academic skills, basic linguistic and functional skills of a person with delays or disabilities in development.
This is the assessment, skills-tracking system and curriculum guide called Verbal Behaviour Milestones Assessment and Placement Program used to assess the communication skills, language, learning, and social skills of children with either autism or other developmental disabilities. A strong focus of the VB-MAPP is language and social interaction, which is the predominating areas of weakness in the children with autism and other related disabilities.
AFLS (Assessment of Functional Living Skills):
Emphasizes functional skills an individual exhibits in everyday life, such as self-care, home living, and community participation, that are important features for independent living.
TRIAD (Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders):
This is used to asses social skills and communicative functionality and evidence-based methods for enhancing the functionality of children with autism. Our professional recommendations will be based on these observations and assessments.